T30D - DXpedition
Western Kiribati 2014

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Please listen always to the instructions of the operators !!

1,814.5 up 1,849 up&dwn  -
80m 3,526 up 3,805 down 3,595 up
40m 7,026 up 7,095  7,182 up&dwn 7,046 up&dwn
30m 10,119 up  - 10,137 up
20m 14,026 up 14,210 up 14,090 up
17m 18,086 up 18,120 up 18,099 up
15m 21,026 up 21,255 up 21,090 up
12m 24,906 up 24,955 up 24,918 up
10m 28,026 up 28,465 up 28,090 up
6m 50,120 up 50,120 up  -

This are the planned operating frequencies.
Depending of local situation, we may change this frequencies.
Please listen!

We will work always SPLIT

 !! Please avoid dupes !!

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March 3rd , 2015 :

The complete log T30D is on LoTW

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